
Minister calls on Nahdliyin to keep up with digital technology

Kamis, 8 Agustus 2019 | 18:47 WIB

Minister calls on Nahdliyin to keep up with digital technology

Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin

Mecca, NU Online
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has now been able to successfully showing how to deal with religious values by prioritizing its essence, which is to humanize humans. The essence could be understood if religion is not infused and practiced in an extreme and superfluous way.
Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin said before thousands of participants at the 18th Worldwide NU Gathering in the Altayseer Towers Hotel, Mecca, Thursday (8/8).
According to him, the NU religious practices that prioritize Rahmatan lil Alamin have influenced Islam not only in Indonesia but also in various parts of the world.
He was of the opinion that disruption of religious reference sources in the era of social media could change the landscapes echoed by NU namely tolerant, inclusive, and moderate Islam.
"Therefore NU must assert itself as an appropriate guide for the younger generation. One way is to master the digital stage," he said.
NU must continue to contribute positively to the country and play important roles in addressing major global issues. NU must be able to be applied by muslims throughout the world in order to create peace on earth. This can be done by optimizing all NU energy for the benefit of the nation.
"This gathering is a consolidation forum to unite the positive energy of the NU diaspora," he said at the event themed "Recultivating the Ukhuwah Wathaniyah Towards World Peace".
This optimization is compared to an energy theory in physics. There are three energies that can be optimized by NU members (Nahdliyin), namely potential energy, kinetic energy, and mechanical energy.
The Minister also called on all Nahdliyin to throw away all the differences and reunite the NU's energy (ghirah nahdhiyah) by affirming a shared commitment in accordance with the ideals of the NU founders, namely the improvement and the empowerment of the people in various fields such as religion, economy, social, culture, etc. (Muhammad Faizin/Masdar)